Microsoft Word: 100+ Shortcut Keys That Every Windows User Should Know

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Microsoft Word: MS Word is used to format the document in detail. If you will be using MS Word in conjunction with keyboard and mouse and are new to it then read this blog on can. can learn more

Before we begin, be aware that this list of shortcuts is long, but it is not a complete list of all Excel shortcuts. We have selected some of the most effective shortcuts and we hope that it will be useful for you.

Also Read About Microsoft Excel

Frequently used shortcuts keys in Microsoft Word

Ctrl+OOpen a document
Ctrl+NCreate a new document
Ctrl+SSave the document
Ctrl+WClose the document
Ctrl+XCut the selected content to the Clipboard
 Ctrl+CCopy the selected content to the Clipboard
Ctrl+VPaste the contents of the Clipboard
Ctrl+ASelect all document content
Ctrl+BApply bold formatting to text
Ctrl+IApply italic formatting to text.
Ctrl+UApply underline formatting to text.
Ctrl+[Decrease the font size by 1 point.
Ctrl+]Increase the font size by 1 point.
Ctrl+ECenter the text.
Ctrl+LAlign the text to the left
Ctrl+RAlign the text to the right
EscCancel a command.
Ctrl+ZUndo the previous action
Ctrl+YRedo the previous action (if possible)
Alt+W, Q, then tab in Zoom dialog box to the value you wantAdjust the zoom magnification.
Ctrl+Alt+SSplit the document window.
Alt+Shift+CRemove the document window split
Ctrl+Alt+SRemove the document window split
Microsoft Word

Tables Shortcuts

TabNavigate to the Next Cell in a Row.
Shift + TabNavigate to the Previous Cell
Alt + HomeGo to the First cell of the Row in a table.
Alt + EndGo to the Last cell of the Row in a table.
Alt + Page upGo to the First cell of the Column in a table.
Alt + Page DownGo to the Last cell of the Column in a table.
Up Arrow KeysMove to the previous cell in an upward direction.
Down Arrow KeysMove to next cell downward Direction.
Shift + UpSelect the cells above the current cell.
Shift + DownSelect the Cell Below the Current Cell.
Alt + F5Select full table.
Shift + F3Change Keyboard Case.
Ctrl + F3Cut Selected texts to the Spike.
Microsoft Word

Document Navigation Shortcuts:-

Shift + Left/Right ArrowExtend one by one character Selection to the Left or Right
Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right ArrowExtend one by one Word Selection to the Left or Right
Shift + Up/Down ArrowSelecting Up or Down Line one by one
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down ArrowSelecting Up or Down Whole Paragraph one by one
Shift + EndSelection of Characters up to End Line
Shift + HomeSelection of Characters up to the First line.
Ctrl + Shift + Home/EndSelection of Characters to Beginning or End
Shift + Page up/Page DownSelect Characters up to one screen Up or Down
Ctrl + ASelect Entire Document
Ctrl + Shift + 8Selects a Column
Microsoft Word

Editing Shortcuts:-

Backspace (Button)Erase one Character to the Right
Ctrl + BackspaceErase one word to the Left
DeleteErase one Character to the Right
Ctrl + DeleteErase one Word to the Right
Ctrl + CCopy Selected Text
Ctrl + XCut Selected Text
Ctrl + VPaste Cut or Copied Text
Ctrl + Shift + F3Paste Spike Contents
Alt + Shift + RCopy Header or Footer used in the Previous Document
Microsoft Word

Characters Formatting Shortcuts:-

Ctrl + BBold Texts
Ctrl + IItalicize Texts
Ctrl + UUnderline Texts
Ctrl + Shift + WApply to underline below words only and not under Space
Ctrl + Shift + DApply Double Underline
Ctrl + DOpen Font Dialogue Box
Ctrl + Shift + > or <Increase or Decrease the Font Size of the Character
Ctrl + ] or [Increase or Decrease the font size of a particular segment only
Ctrl + “=”Apply Subscript Formatting
Ctrl + Shift + Plus KeyApply Superscript Formatting
Ctrl + Shift + AChanges All Letters to Uppercase
Ctrl + Shift + KChanges All Letters to Lowercase
Ctrl + Shift + CCopies the Character Format in an Existing Document
Ctrl + Shift + VThe Character Format in a new Document
Ctrl + SpaceRemoves Manual Formatting from the Selected Segment
Microsoft Word

Shortcuts keys

Alt + Ctrl + 1Heading 1 Style
Alt + Ctrl + 2Heading 2 Style
Alt + Ctrl + 3Heading 3 Style
Ctrl + Shift + LApply List Style
Ctrl + MIncrease Indent Level of Paragraph every time you press it
Ctrl + Shift + MDecreases Indent Level of Paragraph every time you press it
Ctrl + THanging Indent is Increased Every time you Press it
Ctrl + Shift + THanging Indent is Decreased Every time you Press it
Ctrl + ECentre a Paragraph
Ctrl + LLeft Alignment of a Paragraph
Ctrl + RRight Alignment of a Paragraph
Ctrl + JJustify a Paragraph
Ctrl + 1Single Spacing Between Two Lines
Ctrl + 2Double Spacing Between Two Lines
Ctrl + 51.5 Line Spacing Between two Lines
Ctrl + 0Remove one line Spacing of a Preceding paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + SOpen window for applying Styles
Ctrl + Shift + NApply Normal paragraph Style
Ctrl + QRemove all formatting from the paragraph
ms word

Inserting Shortcuts:-

Shift + EnterInsert link Break.
Ctrl + EnterInsert Page Break.
Ctrl + Shift + EnterInsert Column Break.
Alt + Ctrl + Hyphen ‘-‘Insert an em Dash.
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceInsert Non-Breaking Space
Alt + Ctrl + CInsert Copyright Symbol
Alt + Ctrl +RInsert Registered Trademark Symbol
Alt + Ctrl + TInsert Trademark Symbol

Outline Shortcuts:-

Alt + Shift + Left/Right ArrowMove a line Left or Right
Ctrl + Shift + NDemote Outline lever to Regular Text
Alt + Shift + Up/Down ArrowMove the Line-Up or Down in the Outline
Alt + Shift + Plus or Minus KeyEnlarge or Collapse Characters under Heading
Alt + Shift + AEnlarge or Collapse All Characters under Heading
Alt + Shift + LHighlight the First line of a Body or Text
Alt + Shift + 1Highlights all texts Having Heading 1 text
Alt + Shift + Any Number KeyShows All Texts according to the Heading Size

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